Located in the beautiful market town of Bridgnorth, in Shropshire, the practice has been established since 1993 and has continued to grow from strength to strength. We provide both NHS and private dental care, and also work with Denplan to offer monthly payment plans.

We pride ourselves on our ethos in promoting the prevention of dental disease, and our dentists, hygienists and nurses all actively engage in updating their knowledge and skills in order to deliver care in line with most recent guidance.

As well as helping to improve and maintain oral health, we also offer cosmetic treatments, including Invisalign clear braces, to help improve the appearance of your teeth and give you the confidence in your smile that you've always wanted.


We believe dental care should focus on prevention. By maintaining a thorough daily home care routine and visiting our dental hygienists regularly, you can enjoy a lifetime of healthy teeth and gums. Our hygienists are at the forefront of preventative dentistry and work in partnership with you to improve and maintain your oral health. 

Gingivitis (bleeding and inflamed gums) is one of the earliest signs of gum disease, and at this stage remains reversible. Good oral hygiene at this stage will prevent the progression on to periodontal (gum) disease, which can often be accompanied by loss of surrounding bone, and, in advanced cases, loss of teeth.

New patients are invited to see the hygienist for an initial periodontal (gum) assessment, whereby you will be advised of the best at-home care routine in order to improve or maintain your gum health, plus any initial treatment. Following this, the hygienist will set an appropriate recall period in which to see you again to review your gum health and cleaning technique, and carry out a prescribed treatment plan. 

Our hygienists can carry out anything from simple hard deposit and stain removal, up to root surface debridement; however it really lies with the patient to maintain an optimal level of oral hygiene at home to ensure long-term gum health. We are here to guide you every step of the way.